Tuesday 26 February 2008

A strange day.

A strange day. from Marzellius on Vimeo.

A strange day.

Well I made this video today cause I was waiting for it to be dark outside, but now when it is I just to tiered to go and do what I was going to do so I have to do that tomorrow. Still I just experimenting with some affects, I know I have to go and film some more so that I can have more stuff to edit from. Maybe I can write a little script this weekend and film it next week just have to see.
Well this is just for fun like always regards Hogni.
Ps. the song is maid be Leó Dan.

Sunday 24 February 2008

Gisli in aarhus

Little trip to Aarhus from Marzellius on Vimeo.

The weekend Gisli was in Aarhus.
Well ok this is maybe not the most fun video I have made so far, but I just got new program and Im still learning on it so it will take a little time experimenting be for I will make some think that will wow you but still going to be playing with this one now. Well I don’t know what else to say this is just some random shots from the weekend Gisli came to Aarhus. I guess I will use some of the stuff from this video agene. The song in the video is specaly there for Gilsi but he really liked this song hehe. It made by Icelandic band called Sprengjuhöllinn and the song name is Svona fer fyrrir stelpunum ore in English I think it be “That’s what happens to the girls”.
Regards Hogni

Saturday 23 February 2008

Wednesday 20 February 2008

Lego warm up nr 1

:::::::::Update::::::: down on the blogg

Lego warm up nr 1 from Marzellius on Vimeo.

Warm up lego
This is small shot I took yesterday just to get the feeling for the bigger project I going to do. This is a video maid with lego, but I will be doing a bigger video made with lego as soon as I get the lego I need from my little brother back home in Iceland. Here I’m just seeing how much work I will need to put into the video so it will look ok. This is just edit in windows Movie maker but the other one will be edit either in flash ore in another program the I hoping to get this week. I think if I will get the lego in time I will make that video in the weekend. But in this video I saw that I had to spent some time thinking about the sound editing as well as the editing and putting to gather the story. This is not a big story but I like what I learned from doing this video and I will be uploading some examples of what I did to make it more real.
Hope you like it and will watch what I do with the longer version regards Marzellius.


Effects on Lego_video from Marzellius on Vimeo.

Effects on Lego_video
A small clip I mate from the Lego video, this is just to show some of the sound effects I had to make and put in. Just to show what the difference is when there is sound and how important it is to have and spent time on making the sound on videos that are made like this. And in the end you can see the hole video on double speed without sound. Watch and learn :P

Regards Marzellius.

Thursday 14 February 2008

Hogni + Music

Hogni + Music from Marzellius on Vimeo.

Hogni + Music
Ok still using this clip :P know you might be getting sick of it, and really need to go and film some more. But yes don’t think I will put much work on in over the weekend so this is the last one until after the weekend, ore maybe I put one in to morrow as well that I edit the other day. Well in this clip I just playing with picture and sound, dint come out as well as I wanted in the end but yes I working on a pore ass program so it not giving me the stuff I asking for. But still hope you like it even though it is short.

Re Marzellius

Wednesday 13 February 2008

My name is Hogni. Nr 2

My name is Hogni. Nr 2 from Marzellius on Vimeo.
My name is Hogni. Nr 2

Well in this video I just wanted to try different thinks with the material from the last video. I did have probably spent the more time all in all making this editing then in the other one cause I was always cutting this down and seeing the effect coming, one sec of here and on of there. But in the end I came down on this solution. It not as long as the last one but I like how it came out in the end.
Hope you like it regards Marzellius

Tuesday 12 February 2008

My name is Hogni

My name is Hogni. from Marzellius on Vimeo.

My name is Hogni.
This is just an idea I got yesterday and wanted to try to see how would come out. I’m just playing with different cuts of the same material here. Just wanted to see how it would come out, wanted to try some think like this for some time. I will play a little bit more with the original clip and maybe make another version of this. I made a shorter one that you can see on www.hognimassi.blogspot.com it little bit different. The dialog in the video is just some think I came up with so that there would be some think happening in the video more then me just sitting there. But I still like this statements I make in the video. “I support global worming I´m from Iceland”. Just a great setting a friend of mine told me one time.
Well lets keep it this for now.
Regards Marzellius.

Monday 11 February 2008

A little walk. "It mate it, but day to late"

A little walk. from Marzellius on Vimeo.

A little walk.
This is small video I was playing with this morning. I think I might use it a gen today and make a different version of it. I just wanted to try to get a little spacey feeling in the video and kind of backing up time. What I did was to cut the video down every 4 sec and then put the timeline in back wards. And then edit some effects after that.
Re. Hogni

Saturday 9 February 2008

Snowboarding clip.

Snowboarding clip. from Marzellius on Vimeo.

I used an snowboarding video that me and some of my friends had made some time ago for this clip. This is mostly just for fun, but I wanted to try to do some different stuff in this clip so I hope you all like it. It took me a long time cutting this cause the other video is about 20 min so I had to go through all of it finding the right clips I wanted for this session. Well that’s it about this video, I might upload another version of it later but this shut do it for now.
Regards Marzellius

Friday 8 February 2008

The day nr 3

Made tow clips for today, this is from an old school project that we did this winter but dint use the video we taped. Well what I wanted to do is use shots of a close up angel with wide angel shots and edit that to gather. For one of the videos I wanted to go for some think that looks nice, focus on the persona speaking and keeping the video in harmony, but for the second one I wanted to show how it would look like if the camera was not always on the speaker, meaning that the video does not keep the same focus on the persona that it shut. (speaker out of camera). Just trying some different editing on the same video to see how it comes out. I bee doing more of experiments editing with sounds and effects in the future, but got a lot of nice commends about the last upload from people. Well that’s it for now.

Ohh yes the sound is not really that good in these clips so you might have to turn the speakers up a little bit but watch out for the ending it cut be loud compared to the vocal in the video.

Clip one

Kaldi not used. Focus on. from Marzellius on Vimeo.

Clip tow

Kaldi not used. Focus off. from Marzellius on Vimeo.

Regards. Marzellius

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Video used Barcelona trip

Second editing test.
For this clip I used some videos shot that where taken in a trip that Me, Gunnar, Fannar and Leó took to Barcelona some weeks ago. What I doing here is just testing effects and editing. What I did was to make some sound effects and then use them in the clip to make the clip more effective. Also I was playing a little bit with visual effects in this clip just to see how it would come out. There is no special feeling behind this clip I just wanted to try this and see how it would come out. I took down some notes as I was editing this clip, about effects that I liked and what kind of feeling I was getting from them so in the future I can read over the notes and learn from it. I´m not going to put the original clip in, because it to long. If you want to see if the sound effects of the clip are doing some think for you I ask you just to put the clip to mute.
One other think I have done is to make a small intro that I will have in front of all the clips from now on. This is just some think I did for fun to make the video more personal.
Special thanks to the boys for the grate trip to Barca. And feel free to comment on this if you want.
Regards: Marzellius

Using sound and visual effects. from Marzellius on Vimeo.

First Test

First test.
Task: Make 2 clips that are not longer than 30 sec. Find a song to use on both clips. How to edit the video is free for this time (meaning no special time line, just cut slash, cut and find the right frames). Points use the same video clip and songs to make different feelings for the viewer.

This is the first clip I edit. Here I trying to get an sad feeling in the clip.

Sad from Marzellius on Vimeo.

This is the second edit of the same clip, here I want to get a happy feeling.

Happy from Marzellius on Vimeo.

This is the hole clip used for editing these 2 short clips. (I took the sound out of it).

Full from Marzellius on Vimeo.

Comment as you want.

Tuesday 5 February 2008

Hogni Massi Editing

I have made this pages for my next school project. In the next week I will try to edit a small clip every day and post in here, and give a little comment what I going for with the editing of the clip. Lot of the stuff I be using is stuff that I have already and often I might be putting similar clips but with different meaning to them. The reason I want to do this is I´d like to get some comments on my work and also I have to try to edit at least 2 different videos a day. I´m hoping that this will pages will help me keep on doing me school project witch is to edit as much as I can in different ways in the time given. The videos might be really experimental in the editing part. But like I sad for now I be using old stuff I have. How I will do this is I start be saying some think about what I doing and then leaf the clip here for you to comment on if you want. All comments are well taken.

Regards Marzellius.