Tuesday 18 March 2008

Lego video.

Lego, from Marzellius on Vimeo.

well it is done. Hope you all like it :D

Tuesday 4 March 2008

2 Times me, to new videos

No coments this time you can read them on Vimeo.com/Marzellius :D

ME&ME nr 2 from Marzellius on Vimeo.

ME&ME nr1 from Marzellius on Vimeo.

Tuesday 26 February 2008

A strange day.

A strange day. from Marzellius on Vimeo.

A strange day.

Well I made this video today cause I was waiting for it to be dark outside, but now when it is I just to tiered to go and do what I was going to do so I have to do that tomorrow. Still I just experimenting with some affects, I know I have to go and film some more so that I can have more stuff to edit from. Maybe I can write a little script this weekend and film it next week just have to see.
Well this is just for fun like always regards Hogni.
Ps. the song is maid be Leó Dan.

Sunday 24 February 2008

Gisli in aarhus

Little trip to Aarhus from Marzellius on Vimeo.

The weekend Gisli was in Aarhus.
Well ok this is maybe not the most fun video I have made so far, but I just got new program and Im still learning on it so it will take a little time experimenting be for I will make some think that will wow you but still going to be playing with this one now. Well I don’t know what else to say this is just some random shots from the weekend Gisli came to Aarhus. I guess I will use some of the stuff from this video agene. The song in the video is specaly there for Gilsi but he really liked this song hehe. It made by Icelandic band called Sprengjuhöllinn and the song name is Svona fer fyrrir stelpunum ore in English I think it be “That’s what happens to the girls”.
Regards Hogni

Saturday 23 February 2008

Wednesday 20 February 2008

Lego warm up nr 1

:::::::::Update::::::: down on the blogg

Lego warm up nr 1 from Marzellius on Vimeo.

Warm up lego
This is small shot I took yesterday just to get the feeling for the bigger project I going to do. This is a video maid with lego, but I will be doing a bigger video made with lego as soon as I get the lego I need from my little brother back home in Iceland. Here I’m just seeing how much work I will need to put into the video so it will look ok. This is just edit in windows Movie maker but the other one will be edit either in flash ore in another program the I hoping to get this week. I think if I will get the lego in time I will make that video in the weekend. But in this video I saw that I had to spent some time thinking about the sound editing as well as the editing and putting to gather the story. This is not a big story but I like what I learned from doing this video and I will be uploading some examples of what I did to make it more real.
Hope you like it and will watch what I do with the longer version regards Marzellius.


Effects on Lego_video from Marzellius on Vimeo.

Effects on Lego_video
A small clip I mate from the Lego video, this is just to show some of the sound effects I had to make and put in. Just to show what the difference is when there is sound and how important it is to have and spent time on making the sound on videos that are made like this. And in the end you can see the hole video on double speed without sound. Watch and learn :P

Regards Marzellius.